The management of Vera Salus Ricerca Srl (VSR) has decided unanimously to continue FlavOncology’s development in Switzerland, recognizing the fertile...
Vera Salus Ricerca has successfully completed a 1-year training at BioArk (Switzerland) aimed at polishing the business developmental plans of FlavOncology, its proprietary drug platform for the cure of cancer patients.
During 2020, Vera Salus Ricerca Srl (VSR) has performed a Pre-incubation Program at BioArk (Valais, Switzerland) sponsored by the Ark...
Vera Salus Ricerca Srl, in collaboration with the Sicilian Zooprophylactic Institute and the National Reference Center for Toxoplasmosis, just published a research study in the Journal of Food Protection concerning the safety of novel foods with respect to Toxoplasma gondii infections. The paper, entitled “Edible insects and Toxoplasma gondii: is it something we need to be concerned about?”, provides evidences of the risk for public health poised by Toxoplasma gondii entering the human food chain through contaminated novel edible foods and causing toxoplasmosis disease in exposed individuals
Pubblicato uno studio sulla sicurezza alimentare da zoonosi di Toxoplasma Gondii, frutto della collaborazione scientifica tra VSR, IZSS e Ce.Tox...
The 3-years PhD-ITalent project has just come to an end. The project and its scientific program was a success. Consequently, the selected candidate has been promoted as a full-time Biomedical Researcher in the VSR Core Laboratory
Concluso con successo il progetto triennale PhD-ITalent sponsorizzato dal CRUI con l’assunzione a tempo indeterminato del candidato selezionato in qualità...
Vera Salus Ricerca received official accreditation as international R&D biotech company from the Italian Ministries of Education, University and Research
Inserita tra gli enti di ricerca nazionali accreditati MIUR
VSR was awarded a voucher from INNovaSouth for the implementation of new organisational models and innovative solutions to support the valorization of human resources in the workplace. The iNNovaSouth project is co‐funded by the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program.
Vincitrice del bando INNovaSouth 2020 per l’implementazione di soluzioni innovative sul posto di lavoro
A co-development deal has been signed in 2019 with Bionexa Srl for the characterization of novel senolytic drugs from VSR’s Flav-x platform. The project, called FlavoLife, aims to develop innovative drugs to treat diseases associated with aging.
Siglato accordo commerciale con Bionexa Srl per ottenere nuovi senolitici dalla piattaforma farmaceutica Flav-x. Il progetto, chiamato FlavoLife, svilupperà farmaci...
VSR is member of an industrial consortium that will execute the DiOncoGen project, an innovative developmental plan that will validate advanced all-in-one diagnostic tools for personalized treatment of colorectal cancer patients. The project is led by the Istituto Oncologico del Mediterraneo S.p.a. and is supported by PO FESR Sicilia 2014/2020.
VSR è membro del partenariato di imprese finanziato dal PO FESR Sicilia 2014/2020 per la realizzazione del progetto di ricerca...
VSR is member of an industrial consortium that will execute the NuSTeO project, an innovative developmental plan for new therapeutic strategies against ocular infections. The project is led by Medivis SRL and is supported by PO FESR Sicilia 2014/2020.
VSR è membro del partenariato di imprese finanziato dal PO FESR Sicilia 2014/2020 per la realizzazione del progetto di ricerca...
This year, Vera Salus Ricerca will host a Japanese PhD student for an 8-month industrial traineeship as part of the 2020 Vulcanus in Europe Programme by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation.
Company Accomplishment! Selezionata dall’EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation per ospitare un PhD-student giapponese durante un tirocinio industriale di 8 mesi,...